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home Marsh Creek Community, Wildlife Getting Audubon Certification for Marsh Creek

Getting Audubon Certification for Marsh Creek

By Peter Clayton                                         

Chad Hanson, Golf Course Superintendent at the Marsh Creek Country Club, is currently engaged in obtaining Audubon certification for the golf course and could use some help. In discussing the project with him, it’s obvious that the certification will benefit our entire Marsh Creek community, enhancing both its nature preserve character and our property valuations.

We are putting together a group of interested residents to provide “hands on” assistance from building bird and bat houses to planting milkweed and conducting wildlife counts. The initial phase of obtaining the certification will probably take another 6-12 months followed by an on-going maintenance program which could incorporate the entire community.

If you’re interested in participating, contact Peter Clayton – text (904/436-3978) or email (pac120691@aol.com).

ACSP for Golf

ACSP for Golf is a widely recognized and highly-regarded education and certification program that helps protect our environment and preserve the natural heritage of the game of golf. Golf courses are guided through projects in the categories of Environmental Planning, Wildlife and Habitat Management, Chemical Use Reduction and Safety, Water Conservation, Water Quality Management, and Outreach and Education.

Click here for more information about ACSP for Golf.

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