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home Kayak, Marsh Creek Community Paddling Salt Run

Paddling Salt Run

By Peter Clayton

The weather gods were with us today: overcast – high 70s- low 80s – no rain and a light breeze from the east which no appreciable difference and the 10:58 high tide meant we had a leisurely start time.

Steve Moody joined us for the first time and looked very comfortable in Bob Grobman’s Hurricane – with his height a sit-on makes good sense. Stan Hill used Tom Walsh’s Hurricane and also looked at ease. Max Kiefer met us at the launch to say “hello” and will hopefully join us next time out.

Launching at the same time was a dory built at the Lighthouse boat building facility – two rowers and a bosun handled it very nicely on its second time in the water. We headed south sighting numerous birds, turtles and lots of jumping fish – our rest stop was almost at the south end with a solid beach and great views.

We’ll probably do another local paddle next week to give our usual overnight destinations time to recover from Ian. Thanks to all who participated and Theo for his photos.

Photos by Theo Helms

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