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home Around Town & County Event Re-Schedule

Event Re-Schedule

Editor’s Note: Since we published the original announcement a few days ago, this event has been re-scheduled.

St. Augustine Historical Society Logo

Weather Reschedule!!
Dear Friends and Members, Between ground saturation from Hurricane Ian and weather reports of more rain and high tides due this coming Thursday, October 13, it has been determined that our outdoor event for that evening should be postponed one week. We apologize for any inconvenience – hopefully, this new date will work better for you!

So, pull out your calendars and mark Thursday, October 20, for an evening of fun and fellowship with our friends of the St. Augustine Lighthouse and Maritime Museum. Time: 5:30 – 7:30 Place: Under the stars at the Oldest House Museums and Gardens Complex. Theme: Happy Halloween!! RSVPs greatly appreciated!

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