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 SPEEDING – Let’s Talk About It


Last year’s Strategic Planning survey confirmed that one of the primary concerns of Marsh Creek residents involves speeding.

Our narrow and sometimes twisty roads, combined with lack of sidewalks and high number of walkers, joggers, cyclists and dog walkers, make for difficult conditions. Add parked vendors and adverse weather and it can get dangerous.

A number of solutions have been proposed, from speed humps to calling in the Sheriff’s Department. But they need a full community airing.

On Tuesday, Aug. 23rd at 4:00 in the Clubhouse dining room, the MCOA Safety & Security Committee chair, Scott Herrington, will lead a discussion on this issue and the various options his committee is exploring to reduce, if not eliminate, the problem.

The forum is open to all residents and will include a Q&A session.

Other agenda topics will cover our manned entrance gates and regular patrolling of the community, trespassers, and the coordinated effort to make our roads safe by trimming and/or changing landscaping. And, of course, our wonderful yellow fire hydrants and the reason for the paint job.

Speeding Hearing

Tuesday August 23, 4pm, Clubhouse Dining Rm

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5 thoughts on “ SPEEDING – Let’s Talk About It

  1. Thanks to the Safety Committee for facilitating this forum on speeding here in Marsh Creek. As a regular walker in the community, it is a concern. Thanks again!

  2. Notice Lakeway Drive is like the speedway to get to the back gate! Thanks for approaching this subject.

  3. Thanks Peter, for your efforts. I would like to remind people that a speed limit is a maximum, and in an effort to be considerate to our fellow residents, using a lower, slower speed is frequently the thing to do.

  4. i am tired of talking about it been here 30 years lakeway dr(Speedway) i guess its going to take a death and lawyers trying to figure out why was nothing done in 30 plus years.meantime i would post an email for now ,pedestrians should be on lakeway way dangerous.

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