Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community Party in the Park!!

Party in the Park!!

By Lisa Stern

On Saturday April 30th (rain date Saturday May 7th) the Spoonbill Neighbors will host a Party in the Park from 4:00pm until 7:00pm in our community park. ALL Marsh Creek residents are invited (no guests please).

The party will include food trucks, a 50/50 raffle, music, and corn hole.  Come enjoy BBQ from award-winning Smokin’ Spencer’s Q … and gourmet ice cream sandwiches (with a layer of pie filling!) from Peace Pie.

Dinners from Smokin’ Spencer’s Q will cost approximately $15.00 and the ice cream treat will cost $5.00. Bring your own beverage and chair if desired. Come eat, drink, play and chat with your neighbors.  This promises to be a great time!

Now, here comes the tricky part. In order to judge whether more than two food vendors are needed, the organizers are trying to get an approximate idea of how many might attend the party.

So if you think you might attend and purchase food from the food trucks, it would be very helpful if you would text either Lisa Stern at 216-213-4913 or Lorri Maloney at 410-708-8366 before March 15th and let them know.

An RSVP is not necessary to attend the event or to purchase food from the food trucks, but it will be helpful for the organizers to have a rough idea of how many attendees to expect.  The hosts hope that all MC residents will come out and enjoy the party!

Save the Date: Saturday, April 30th, 4-7pm in the Park!

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