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home Kayak, Marsh Creek Community Paddling Julington Creek

Paddling Julington Creek

By Peter Clayton

Nine of us gathered at Palmetto Leaves County Park at 10:00 wondering about the cool temps, overcast skies and light rain, but this being the MCKer’s, by the time we finished it was blue skies, sunshine and 70 degrees. We were delighted to have Bill Mason join us plus Tom Walsh – Craig’s tandem and Alan’s and Theo’s trailers made it easy for all.

The 3.7 mile route is mostly through a flood plain making you forget that you’re amid suburbia and close to I-95. About halfway, canals appear on the north side which are lined with lovely homes then the creek widens as it nears the confluence with Durbin Creek where we pulled out at Clark’s Fish Camp. An otter swam by the launch as we were putting in – an infrequent sight – and a half dozen wild turkeys were eating from a feeder behind one of the canal homes. Pileated woodpeckers flew overhead before we left the floodplain area. Several fishermen were on the water – all considerate with their wakes. Lunch on the deck at Julington Fish Camp capped off a wonderful outing. Thanks to our drivers and all who participated. Photos to follow…

Next week, weather permitting, the Ocklawaha.

Photos by Theo Helms and Joe Mancuso

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