Spoonbill Courier

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7 thoughts on “Marsh Creek Luminary Night 1

  1. Many thanks you two for the idea and the remarkable effort to the idea a reality
    It was grand; very proud of the community and our Birdie Way for 100% participation.
    Merry Christmas

  2. Glad to share such a great moment in time , Nina really made sure it was ready to go and shared with our friends extra bags . It look really great .

  3. Wow! We road through Marsh Creek after creating our neighbors and we’re delighted with all the efforts made to participate in the luminary night! Great job neighbors!
    Many residents didn’t know or were not in town and it was wonderful to see others pitch in and share their surplus bags and such making up those dark spaces.
    It was a great practice run. We learned a lot about what to do and not do. 😳 We can probably cover more ground if they are spaced 6-10 feet apart (like at the Country Club). They look closer as you drive or walk down the street. It’s a bit of an optical illusion. 😉
    It is so much fun to be part if such a magical place.


    *Kudos to the party animals in Lakeway.

  4. Our compliments to those who initiated such an.“Illuminating” event. Shine on and Merry Christmas!

  5. Almost half the homes on our section of Marshside Drive had lumenaries and residents were walking and biking around with libations, taking photos, chatting with each other and enjoying themselves. Lots of vehicles driving around taking in this unique example of “neighborhood”.

    Great Success!!

  6. What time do we light the tea candles? When do we put the lights out?

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