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Happy News From Neighbors

Scott and Helen Borisoff of 311 Marshside Drive North proudly announce that their daughter, Blaire, recently graduated from Officer Development School, Officer Training Command Newport, Naval Station, Newport, Rhode Island.

Blaire Borisoff, ENS,MC,USNR, is a third-year medical student and Ensign, Med Corp, US NAVY.

She is now finishing her clinical rotations closer to home at Orange Park Medical Center in Jacksonville.

Blaire will graduate as a doctor of osteopathic medicine and will enter active duty with the rank of lieutenant (O-3).

Her goal is to serve in the United States Navy as a Flight Surgeon.

Go Navy!

The Medical Corps of the United States Navy is a staff corps consisting of military physicians in a variety of specialties. It is the senior corps among all staff corps, second in precedence only to line officers. The corps of commissioned officers was founded on March 3, 1871. (Wikipedia)

For Navy Medicine, the caduceus was once worn by warrant officer-pharmacists in the early years of the Hospital Corps; it has also adorned the uniforms of the largest enlisted rating in the Navy since 1948. (Wikipedia)

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3 thoughts on “Happy News From Neighbors

  1. Congratulations Blaire! I know your parents are very proud of you. Quite a career, Flight Surgeon in the United Sates Navy! Best of luck!

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