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home Marsh Creek Community Drinks on the Drive … for a Cause

Drinks on the Drive … for a Cause

My name is Lisa DePasquale, my husband’s name is Ken Sapp.  We moved to Marsh Creek in 2019, re-habbed our home and the Secret Garden at 237 Marshside Dr. 

In the middle of the Pandemic we decided to launch an adult beverage stand that grew into “Drinks on the Drive”.  It served as a means of our being able to introduce ourselves to our new neighbors and community.  We hail from New York and Missouri, and are retired US Navy.   We served as a Physical Therapist and a Physician for a combination of 60 plus years. 

In the spirit of continued service, we are hosting a fundraising project that unites our DRINKS ON THE DRIVE theme with an International Medical Mission in Central America.  Please consider joining us, meet some new neighbors and view local Artists’ work.  Please see the card for event details.  

Should you need it, my cell phone is 847 477 5816, email is lvdepasquale@gmail.com.   Ken’s cell phone is 847 331 7478, email is kwsapp55@gmail.com

For more on the Marymount Medical Missions, click HERE.

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