Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community, Wildlife Meeting at Big Bird Pond

Meeting at Big Bird Pond

Around Marsh Creek, it always pays to have your smartphone handy when out for a walk or a bike ride.

Yesterday, the Marsh Creek Avian Club held its morning meeting in the big pond at the end of Herons Nest Lane. A bicyclist making the turn had to be sharp-eyed to spot the quiet gathering through all the new foliage that’s grown up since his last visit.

What made the event so special was the sudden appearance of a sizeable Blue Heron, who after takeoff from the pond, almost flew headlong into the photographer. Spooked, it veered off quickly in a different direction. But not before the creature was captured … in ones and zeroes … on the visitor’s digital camera phone.

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One thought on “Meeting at Big Bird Pond

  1. Absolutely beautiful! There is so much wildlife surrounding us, we’re very fortunate!

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