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Bill Baker UPDATE

Out of Open Heart Surgery, Responding

As of 12:43 Monday afternoon, from Bill’s wife, Robbie: Talked to the nurses. Bill is behaving. He acknowledged their questions with feel (fingers and toes) and blinks. They’re  putting him back to sleep (out) for the next three -four hours. Going home to sleep!   (This is equally as rough on the spouse. )

Many of us know Bill Baker as a friend, a neighbor, and a contractor, the driving one-man owner of Lighthouse Landscaping.

Bill is spending this weekend in the hospital, facing open heart surgery on Monday. His wife Robbie says she is optimistic:

“Surgery is Monday morning, nice and early. They say he will do well. Let’s just believe that it will be.”

Bill will not be back at work for the next three months. For those of us who use Bill’s lawn care services, we will need to seek alternative, temporary arrangements until Bill recovers from this setback. Many of the other law care companies serving Marsh Creek may be willing to help out.

And be sure to say a prayer for Bill and the Baker family during this trying time.

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