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Kayaking The Big Bend

By Peter Clayton

Once again the weather gods smiled on the eight MCK’s who paddled two sections of what in my estimation is the best river we’ve been on – the Aucilla.

Our base motel at Monticello is our farthest drive at 3.5 hrs. and the roads to the Aucilla ramps, being all dirt, took the most time for shuttling (one hour on Day 2), but all was well worth the time and effort. 

Day 1 was on the Wacissa for an out-and-back of 6 miles total. We saw lots of birds including a red head duck (very handsome), several moor hens with bright red beaks and plenty of egrets and herons. The river was wide and shallow with lots of grass and weed – not memorable except for the springs, several of which we explored most notably Big Blue named for the water color. Paddling back against the current is something we won’t do again on a three day outing. We improvised for cocktails setting up chairs and tables just outside the motel office in a shaded breezeway out of the sun – Mr. Patel, our innkeeper, was most accommodating. Dinner at Rancho Grande was delightful but no nightcaps as it had been a long day.

Day 2 started with a great breakfast at the Brick House Eatery served by a smiley, bright young woman and plenty of big boy food. Then the fun began – we were paddling a 6 mile stretch of the Aucilla for the first time and the access roads were dirt + unmarked – although we had scouted them two years ago we hadn’t counted on the shuttle drive time being one hour. But this was a spectacular paddle – the river was narrow and twisty with several shoals (including the longest and most turbulent ones we’ve experienced) and a shade canopy provided by overhanging trees. The banks were relatively high and sandy with a handful of cabins nice enough to be permanent homes. Early on, a good sized gator launched itself from the bank right towards Bud, making a huge splash and getting everyone’s attention. A swallow tailed kite floating overhead at the launch was the other wildlife highlight. After another long day and delicious appetizers contributed by many, we opted against a big dinner, although some visited Arby’s.

Day 3 began with a repeat at Brick House Eatery – on the way to Subway traffic came to a standstill because a group of about 15 police cadets were jogging on our side of the road with a squad car escort, i.e. no passing them – only in Monticello. Our paddle was a 4.3 mile section of the Aucilla that four of us did last year. The launch was beautiful with large cypress trees in the water, four swallow tailed kites giving us a fly-over and a much shorter shuttle time. The shoals weren’t as challenging, and the few cabins much more of the weekend variety, but the river was fantastic.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to making this a most memorable outing, especially Tom W. who provided our shuttle vehicle and Bud’s wardrobe since he forgot his suitcase. We hoping to have a May overnight to High Springs, probably during the last week – stay tuned.

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