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home Marsh Creek Community A Dog-Walker’s Thoughts

A Dog-Walker’s Thoughts

By Sharon Mirzai

For 24 years I have walked the streets of Marsh Creek with a dog.  First it was Rodi, our beloved black lab. Then Mello, our beloved yellow lab. And now Paislee, the ever-energetic Australian labradoodle.

Creek dog walkers, AKA the dog underground, are a subgroup of this lovely community.   We meander each day, often several times a day.  We walk alone with our thoughts, enjoying the peace and serenity of the hood. Or we gather and mingle with fellow dog walkers to share information, perspectives, observations, and yeah, even gossip! But mostly to share a laugh and get caught up.

I will start with this observation. Through the years, I’ve watched moving trucks come and go laboring over the streets of Marsh Creek.   I often wonder, as I eye a truck, where our new neighbors-to-be are moving from, and into which house they are relocating. Then, in time, we meet the newcomers and as we introduce ourselves, it often occurs to me that our new neighbors don’t seem so new at all, like I’ve known them forever. They happened to have lived in a different section of the “hood”.  I find this instant bonding very heart warming and speaks volumes about the quality of people this community attracts.

A tally of the people I know suggests that close to 20% of the Marsh Creek population has lived in/owned more than one house in Marsh Creek, some swapping three or more homes while staying right here within the community. This,  actually, could be an interesting survey to find out the actual percentage. What does that say about Marsh Creek and the people that live here, and stay here?

One such MC relocation were our longtime residents and friends, Manila and Paul Clough, and their beautiful English Golden Retriever, Shandora!  We welcome them to their newest home and to the dog underground. Another recent relocation to a 3rd MC home is that of Helen and Harvey Boxer.

It is an understatement to say that Marsh Creek is a warm, welcoming, friendly place with natural beauty. We are all blessed to be here enjoying this wonderful lifestyle and sharing it with amazing neighbors.

Speaking of amazing people,  Ted Pappas of Wandering Lakes just celebrated his 90th year young on March 28. please wish him a Happy Birthday next time you see him with his camera.

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2 thoughts on “A Dog-Walker’s Thoughts

  1. Nicely done! I balked when I married Mike and had to leave my beloved neighborhood in Crescent Beach. I am thankful every day that I am here with so many friends and acquaintances. I wouldn’t want to be any place else.

  2. Great observation Sharon! We’re so fortunate to live in this beautiful community and have neighbors who care about each other.

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