Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community A Neighbor’s Thanks

A Neighbor’s Thanks

My wife, Janie, and I would like to thank our friends/neighbors for their faithful help walking out dogs while we are both on the disabled list:

Vic, Linda and their son, Peter …

Clell Ray (“Mr. Tuesday”)…

Mike and Rita Wilson …

Brenda and John O’Brien …

George and Marsha McPherson …

Jan Vita…

Teresa Veach ..

Joyce …

I hope I haven’t left anyone out.

Our puppies, Tsuku and Django are also grateful.

It takes a village.

Ti Sanders

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One thought on “A Neighbor’s Thanks

  1. It takes a village is right, and In our case a Creek. It gives the meaning of neighborhood validity.
    Kudos to the dog walkers!

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