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home Around Town & County St. Johns County COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments Available for Monday or Wednesday

St. Johns County COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments Available for Monday or Wednesday

St. Johns County COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments Available

Appointments to receive COVID-19 vaccinations through St. Johns County on February 22 or 24 (Monday or Wednesday) are now available.

Please visit https://tinyurl.com/y52tcoaz or call the St. Johns County COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline at 904.295.3711 to register.

To receive the COVID-19 vaccination, you must be at least 65 years of age or older, or be a healthcare professional with direct patient contact.

For more information, please call the St. Johns County COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline at 904.295.3711 (dial all ten digits).

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