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home Around Town & County Vaccine Update: 12:00 Noon 1-2-2021

Vaccine Update: 12:00 Noon 1-2-2021

The SJC Emergency Operations Center reports that Saturday’s supply of Covid vaccines was exhausted at 10:30am, 90 minutes after the drive-thru site opened this morning at the County Health Department on San Sebastian.

An official told the Spoonbill Courier that many people spent the night in their vehicles awaiting a vaccination slot. Those who were unsuccessful were turned away at 10:30am.

In total, the county planned to distribute 300-400 vaccines. The final tally may be known later today when the County Health Departments holds a still-to-be scheduled news conference to announce additional new vaccination efforts and locations.

Updates can be found at the St Johns County COVID-19 Information web site.

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2 thoughts on “Vaccine Update: 12:00 Noon 1-2-2021

  1. Thanks for the update Brian and your info Gerry! We were at the Health Dept. by 6AM this morning (Sat.,Jan 2) and the line was miles long!!!!

  2. Thanks again for keeping us updated.

    The news conference today was pretty pathetic. They basically said that all 3,000 doses received by the county had been spoken for and they didn’t know when they’d get more.

    They referred you to a text number: 888777. It actually works, but it only refers you to the Health Department address and their “get in line in the middle of the night and see what happens” program.

    Not directly mentioned in the news conference, but the best possibility for a rational sign up seems to be at


    I heard from multiple sources that a sign up link should appear somewhere on this site by “Sunday, Jan 3.” One source claimed at “noon on Sunday.” Another source recommended clicking on the “bright yellow” link at that time.

    Again, thanks for keeping us posted.

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