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home Around Town & County, Marsh Creek Community, Weather/Climate Are You Paying Too Much for Flood Insurance?

Are You Paying Too Much for Flood Insurance?

Editor’s note: Check your flood insurance policy to ensure you are getting these county discounts. Additionally, by calling you may find your home incorrectly designated in a flood zone, as I just discovered we were, and eligible for lower premiums.

St. Johns County’s NFIP Rating Provides Insurance Discounts for Some St. Johns County Property Owners

St. Johns County has been designated as a CRS Class 5 community based on an assessment of numerous flood mitigation activities the County recently implemented to protect lives and reduce property damage. The rating provides a 25 percent discount to property owners who hold National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) flood policies in Special Flood Hazard Areas on or after October 1, 2020. Additionally, a 10 percent discount will be applied to all standard-rated NFIP flood insurance policies in X zones. The discount is automatically applied and property owners can locate the discount on their NFIP policy declaration. The designation places St. Johns County within the top 17 percent of all CRS-participating communities in the state of Florida for 2020. The National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System (CRS) is a program created by FEMA that recognizes local efforts to reduce flood risk within the community and rewards residents and businesses by saving them money on flood insurance premiums. For more information, please call 904.827.6800 (Option 5).

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