By Peter Clayton
The kayaking gods blessed us Wednesday (Feb 26) with excellent weather, water as clear as we’ve seen on the Ock, an amazing variety and number of birds, turtles and gators, and great company – the only thing missing was lunch as we finished later than expected and some had other commitments.

The photos that follow will tell the story, but the bald eagle is always a highlight as were the half dozen or so ospreys, several of which were attending nests – our phone cameras couldn’t get close enough to do them justice.
Dozens of kingfishers escorted us down the river as did hundreds of ibis – we heard a pileated woodpecker hammering but never saw it. Adding to the beauty were the trees, especially the many magnificent cypress several of which were showing early Spring green.
We passed a few fishermen but the peace and quiet spoke volumes for this paradise of nature. In summary it was an experience that makes us appreciate the great contribution Marjorie Harris Carr and her fellow conservationists made in protecting this incredible watershed.