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Fish Island Preserve – and a Car Wash

By Lisa McGlynn and Val DAndrea

The official name of Fish Island will now be Fish Island Preserve

On Monday night, Sep 28, the St. Augustine City Commission voted to accept this name as it was the number 1 choice of  those who answered a survey.  They also approved the lease agreement with the State. Governor Desantis and the Cabinet unanimously approved $6.5 million of Florida Forever funds to purchase Fish Island!  The announcement came on November 21st 2019.

Hundreds of volunteers worked for over 12 years to preserve Fish Island, a piece of historic land that backs up to Marsh Creek (SE side of SR 312 bridge).  It was ripe for development, and D.R.Horton had its plan to build 170 wood frame 2 story homes, that potentially could have impacted flooding and drainage for Marsh Creek.  That building request was defeated by St. Augustine City Council!!! 

Next steps include a public workshop with a target of December as a possible opening of the Preserve.  JB Miller, the Land Management Coordinator for the City, said that he believed that there will be some Saturday morning nature hikes with volunteer guides when the Preserve opens. 

At Monday’s Commission meeting, Maureen Long, a longtime active and founding member of Friends of Fish Island, presented a statement in support of the lease as well as objecting to a Gate car wash being built next to a preserve.

Please help us obtain more signatures on the petition!  It is essential that we continue the public awareness of the possibility of a car wash being built next to a preserve!

Here is the link to the petition. Can you please ask 5 people to sign?  That would be a big help!  Many thanks.

Looking forward to the opening of Fish Island Preserve!

We encourage Marsh Creek residents to stay committed to this preserve, utilize the park, and donate when funds are required to help support it.

For more on the history of this historic land click https://www.matanzasriverkeeper.org/about_fish_island

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3 thoughts on “Fish Island Preserve – and a Car Wash

  1. Hi Val 🙂
    Thank you for keeping us up to date on these important events!

  2. Thank you for keeping me informed, Val. I signed the petition and gave a donation. Anyone who wants to open a car wash on Fish Island, next to Marsh Creek, is considering short-term profit without regard for long-term consequences.

  3. Mission accomplished!! Great work, Val and company. Thanks you!

    Re the car wash: Definitely not appropriate and I will promote the petition. In positioning the effort, however, I would encourage some focus on compensating the owner/developer. He is not necessarily some guy with a black hat who has no regard for the environment. He may be a play-by-the-rules capitalist and responsible member of the community with a respectable profit motive.

    Full disclosure: I have NO interest in the car wash venture!

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