Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community Christmas Eve With Paul … Tonight at 7:00pm

Christmas Eve With Paul … Tonight at 7:00pm

If you are a certain age, and hail from Montreal, you know who Paul Reid is. And you know that this man with the best buttery, velvet, honey pipes in the business, was the voice behind the most loved Christmas radio show on this continent.

Paul Reid’s Full Christmas Show TONIGHT @ 7:00pm

“Reid was a fixture on CJAD from 1964 to 1978. He passed away 34 years ago, yet you would never know it, since his beyond-popular Christmas Show is replayed every year”, wrote the Montreal suburban in 2017.

Said Reid’s son, Mike, ““Over the years, I have received countless calls, letters and e-mails from people all over North America, saying how much they and their families have been touched by the show and how they finish writing their cards, doing their Christmas baking or wrapping gifts to it,” says Mike Reid. “It has been a part of a Christmas tradition in thousands of families and remains Paul’s most enduring legacy.”

Relive the magic of radio in the Christmas season tonight, clicking the highlighted link in red above at 7:00pm. If you can’t wait, here is an appetizer, The Littlest Angel, best listened to with eyes closed.

Merry Christmas!

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