Spoonbill Courier

Food Drive for SJC Needy

Help us feed Children, Families and Seniors in our Community.

“Out of the 500+ clients who are applying for state benefits approximately 1/2 are families with children, 1/4 are individuals and 1/4 are elderly. Yes, most of the families and individuals are the working poor seeking assistance. Unfortunately, the entire country is seeing a rise in the elderly population becoming homeless, including SJC as they are not able to maintain housing with the rising costs of everything on their fixed incomes.” –Social Services Manager, St. Johns County Health and Human Services

November 27th to December 4th

Dear Marsh Creek Community:
We are once again asking for your help, support and generosity to help those in our community who
need a little extra help with food. The St. Johns County Food Bank, is once again facing a food shortage.

We have chosen to support the County food bank as this is the place where people who are trying to
find help and needed services, seek assistance. Your contribution of the following food items or a cash donation will have a tremendous impact on our vulnerable population: Children, Families and Seniors.

Items Needed

  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Canned fruit
  • Canned protein- Tuna, chicken, sardines and Vienna sausage
  • Boxed protein/fruit bars
  • Canned chili/beef stew/Chef Boyardee items
  • Oatmeal/cereal
  • Assortment of pasta sauce & noodles
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Here is how you can help:
  1. Purchase and drop off food items at the following locations:
    Nelson 209 Fiddlers Point Drive
    Weizmann 201 Marshside Drive
    Matthaei 437 Marsh Point Circle
    McGlynn 703 Pinehurst Place
    Gachet 304 View Point Place
    Marsh Creek County Club
    Marsh Creek Fitness Center
  2. Or make a donation which will be used to buy the above listed food.
    Contributions can be made online by clicking DONATE

Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.

Food Drive Committee
Christine Matthaei
Louise Nelson
Molly Courcy
Peggy Gachet
Mary Clare Glaze
Marriane Cetti
Jane Weizmann
Lisa McGlynn

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