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While you were busy last night …

SpaceX’s 29th robotic cargo mission to the International Space Station successfully lifted off on Thursday (Nov. 9).

And from 110 miles away, Marsh Creek’s talented photographer Stan Hill caught this beautiful photo of the arcing liftoff from the Marsh Creek Community Park.

For a close up of the launch, check the video below at the 28:52 minute mark..

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4 thoughts on “While you were busy last night …

  1. A beautiful picture, but it conceals another aspect of the ever increasing proliferation of satellites in space. According to the UN Outer Space Orbit Index, there are approx. 7,500 satellites in LEO (low earth orbit, which spans up to 1,424 miles from earth). As ever more private enterprises join countries and launch their own satellites, the number in LEO is increasing exponentially, which will cause increasing satellite collisions and consequent increasing space debris. One evening you might think you see a falling star and want to put it in your pocket as the song goes, but instead you end up with a severe concussion.

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