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home Marsh Creek Community The Durbin Creek Paddle

The Durbin Creek Paddle

By Peter Clayton

Ten years ago we launched into Durbin down a dirt bank not sure if we’d stay upright when we hit the water and the wind was such that the traffic noise was quite strong plus it was winter and no leaves dampened that din. It wasn’t an experience that drew us back until now thanks to a very positive write-up in 2020 by James Steele in Florida Paddle Notes where we learned that not only had the county built a 750′ long boardwalk to the water but at the end there was a wonderfully stable self-launch platform for kayakers. Steele’s photos and descriptions of the magnificent bald cypress and flora along the shoreline resolved us to give it a try. As the photos which will follow separately show, we had a wonderful return visit.

Our group numbered a dozen in six vehicles so the logistics were interesting. The launch is about 45 minutes north off Race Track Rd. just west of I-95, and the paddle was 7 miles to Hood Landing Rd. The only drawbacks – no en route rest and stretch stop, and, it takes 30-45 minutes to drop off the shuttle cars at the pull-out. However the natural surroundings for almost the entire route including numerous wildlife sightings more than compensated. When we did see development during the final mile or so, it was mainly very well constructed boat docks with attractive large homes built on higher ground back from the water. As we pulled out, we noticed a plume of smoke with a noxious smell just NW – cause unknown.

We were joined for lunch at Julington Creek Fish Camp by Ron Moredock, the commodore at Seminole Kayak Club on the Ortega River. Ron gave us some ideas for outings in the Jacksonville area and we may schedule a joint paddle closer to St. Augustine. Thanks to our drivers and photographers for getting us there and creating great memories.

Photos by Stan Hill and Martin Mariner

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