Spoonbill Courier
home Around Town & County 4:00 – 8:00 pm Saturday – Art walk/Shop & Dine the Beach

4:00 – 8:00 pm Saturday – Art walk/Shop & Dine the Beach

Art walk/Shop & Dine the Beach – December 19, 2020
4:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. – Pope Road to A Street

Come take a stroll down A1A Beach Boulevard and visit our local
artists in various locations including our parkettes as well as outside our local businesses. In association with the Art
studio of St. Augustine Beach, this event will feature artists and Artisans with many diverse items to offer from
paintings, photography, prints, pottery, sculpture, jewelry and stained glass. Offering many holiday themed pieces as
well as affordable gift items. All handmade, all local. Many local businesses are offering something special during the
event, from hosting artists, special sales, and even entertainment, there is something for everyone.

We invite everyone to participate in the festivities, so join us this holiday season and let’s Light Up the

Contact Melinda Conlon, Communications & Events Coordinator for more information. eventspio@cityofsab.org or
904-471-2122 ext. 112 or 904-295-2271.

From Actor/Artist Lee Weaver

See Lee Weaver’s Light Boxes, some extraordinary works of creative, artistic genius, on display at The Art Studio Saturday right in front of The Pier Park.

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