Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community 2021 Marsh Creek Directory

2021 Marsh Creek Directory

Marsh Creek resident, and briefly retired real estate agent, Peggy Gachet, is offering to print a new 2021 edition of the handy Marsh Creek Directory.

Those interested will need to OPT-IN by sharing as much of the following information as you wish to the email address below:

Name of each individual in the household

Residence address

Phone numbers (Home and Cells)

Individual email addresses

The deadline is September 30, 2020.  If we secure at least 100 interested parties, we will go to print and distribute to those who desire to be included”.

Send to: info@marshcreekhomesales.com

Published in the community interest

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4 thoughts on “2021 Marsh Creek Directory

  1. Thanks Brian. Just to clarify, any or all of the information may be included. All is not necessary to be included in the directory.

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